Updated: March 1, 2018
Souder, Miller & Associates (SMA) supplies environmental services of the highest quality to a wide variety of private, commercial and government clients, having completed thousands of environmental projects over the history of the company.
Areas of expertise include NEPA (Categorical Exclusions, Environmental Assessments and Environmental Impact Statements); solid waste management; hazardous waste management; hydrology and hydrogeology studies; water well siting, testing and analysis; soil and groundwater contamination investigation, remediation and reporting; Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plans; regulatory compliance planning and permitting; environmental policy development; indoor air quality assessment; sampling and evaluation of asbestos containing materials; and Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) and Transaction Screens for real estate.
Our clients include the public sector (federal and state government agencies as well as local municipalities) and private companies (from sole proprietorships to Fortune 500 firms). SMA services industries as diverse as oil and gas extraction and development, mining, renewable energy, commercial real estate and construction, and also provides technical assistance (including evaluation and documentation for Sarbanes-Oxley compliance) for legal firms that support many of these areas.

City of Las Vegas Landfill
Corrective Measures and Closure for this 45-acre facility was successfully completed through diligent work and coordination by SMA, the City and various State agencies in planning, design and construction.

Southwest Water Disposal Facility
SMA provided site assessment, stabilization, drainage design and reclamation/re-vegetation activities at this industrial wastewater disposal site.

Fairacres Post Office PST Site
SMA performed various phases of investigation and remediation at this PST site from 2001-2016, and will soon construct and implement a SVE system.