Capitan/Ogallala Water System Blending Analysis

The City of Carlsbad, NM (Owner) has awarded Souder, Miller & Associates (SMA) a Task Order to provide Project Management, Well Sampling and Planning Services for a water system blending analysis. The Owner’s water system is presently served by 33 wells, 24 of which draw from the Ogallala Aquifer and 9 of which draw water from the Capitan Aquifer. The Owner is proposing changes to the water system operation that will result in blending of the two source waters in the distribution system. Thus, the Owner has contracted with SMA, and our sub-consultant (Carollo Engineers), to complete a blending analysis to identify potential concerns with combining the Ogallala and Capitan water sources. This is the 15th task order in the past year for the City of Carlsbad.