City of Las Vegas On-Call Contracts Renewed

The City of Las Vegas, New Mexico has renewed three on-call contracts with Souder, Miller & Associates (SMA) for professional engineering services relating to the City’s water distribution, wastewater, and solid waste systems. The task order contracts were originally secured by SMA in response to an RFP in 2017. This renewal extends these contracts into their fourth consecutive year, extending them through June 2021. The scope of work covers all technical services SMA offers for water, wastewater, and solid waste utility systems projects. Staff from our Albuquerque and Santa Fe offices have worked on multiple task orders and other projects over the past three years, including: groundwater monitoring at the closed landfill and solid waste transfer station permit renewal, fire suppression system and drainage improvements at the solid waste transfer facility, improvements to the Detention Center lift station, and flood damage repairs to the Gallinas diversion structure.
SMA has been providing engineering services to the City of Las Vegas since the 1990’s, and we look forward to all future business with one of our favorite clients!