SMA provides emergency spill response and clean-up to minimize the impacts of oil or gas spills on human health and the environment. We employ a variety of techniques for containment and recovery, including the use of booms, barriers, skimmers, and natural and synthetic sorbent materials. Depending on the size and type of spill, SMA may utilize a dig and haul approach or contract land farms for aeration of soil saturated with hydrocarbons or other biodegradable contaminants.
SMA staff members who remove hazardous waste or who are potentially exposed to hazardous substances or health hazards must complete in-depth OSHA Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response Standard (HAZWOPER) training and attend annual refresher courses.
Featured Projects

City of Las Vegas Landfill
Corrective Measures and Closure for this 45-acre facility was successfully completed through diligent work and coordination by SMA, the City and various State agencies in planning, design and construction.

Southwest Water Disposal Facility
SMA provided site assessment, stabilization, drainage design and reclamation/re-vegetation activities at this industrial wastewater disposal site.

Fairacres Post Office PST Site
SMA performed various phases of investigation and remediation at this PST site from 2001-2016, and will soon construct and implement a SVE system.